Time Sensitive Opportunity: Federal funds made available to help FQHCs modernize technology tools to better leverage patient-level data

HRSA just recently announced it is making $90 million available to federally qualified health centers to assist them as they transition to new reporting requirements that have been redesigned to collect more and better data on social determinants of health. The modernization effort aims  to increase the granularity of the data being collected by leveraging advances in health information technology and aligning with other interoperability standards and reporting requirements in other federally funded health care programs.

Why shift to patient-level data?

HRSA believes this will help to better evaluate the Health Center Program, provide targeted training and technical assistance, and advance quality improvement research. Such research may lead to improvements inequitable access to high-quality, cost-effective care, including addressing the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 and supporting responses to future public health emergencies

For health centers, standardization of patient-level health data will enable the identification of populations most at risk for health disparities and will provide data to inform potential clinical interventions.

What can the funds be used to do?

Funding will support improvements in infrastructure, such as health information technology, and enhanced data collection and reporting through FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources).  The funds will support patient-level reporting and enable them to better identify, measure, and investigate disparities in health care use and health outcomes by race, ethnicity, age, and other important demographic factors, and to more precisely target their resources accordingly. Furthermore, the ability to collect, house, and report standardized patient-level health data will support health centers’ participation in critical population health surveillance activities during public health emergencies. Big takeaway here… this will help position the organization to be eligible for future funding opportunities.

Some award specifics:

This is a time-sensitive opportunity. Applications are due May 23, 2022 by 5pm ET. HRSA anticipates that awards will be made on or around August 1, 2022.

Approximately $88.4 million in supplemental funding is available in FY 2022 to support additional allowable ARP activities, including UDS+ activities, through the end of your ARP period of performance (March 31, 2023 for HRSA-funded health centers and June 30, 2023 for look-alikes).

HRSA anticipates awarding approximately $60,000 per awardee through one-time supplemental funding. Depending on the number of approvable applications, HRSA may adjust award amounts consistent with funds available for this supplemental funding opportunity at the time award decisions are made.

HRSA expects to release funding on or around August 1, 2022, for use throughout the remainder of your American Rescue Plan Act (H8F or L2C) award’s period of performance (until March 31, 2023 for HRSA-funded health centers and June 30, 2023 for look-alikes),

Partner with Primavera Health 

Primavera Health provides a customizable ecosystem of tools that allow providers to capture the required data by a FQHC when you need it most. We were founded and built with a brain for business and a heart for patients providing a data analytics solution that is centered around real-world applications in the healthcare sector. Primavera’s Core Values are Actionable Intelligence, Ease-of-use and Performance that not only meet but exceed your reporting requirements.

Providing technology that was designed by a team of healthcare professionals and industry experts to serve healthcare professionals through a complex IT architecture and relationship database systems – we are here to help your FQHC succeed. Having in-depth experience building out government funding reporting systems for our clients, we are positioned to partner with FQHCs to succeed. For example, we recently completed reporting interface that tracks key patients services being provided through the Volunteer Health Services Program in Florida.

To learn how Primavera can directly support you to meeting HRSA application deadline while improve required reporting across your organization, Reach out to us today or sign up to schedule a demo with Primavera in the below form!


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Adrian EsquivelTime Sensitive Opportunity: Federal funds made available to help FQHCs modernize technology tools to better leverage patient-level data