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Key Ways to Support Membership Experience and Growth 

Key Ways to Support Membership Experience and Growth  When a healthcare organization embraces the value-based care approach they accept the importance of supporting their patient membership experience, delivery of care and growth. What membership trends are important for a practice to track though? How do they position themselves to track ways to improve the delivery

Take Full Advantage of the Industries Shift to Value-Based Care

Rapid changes in healthcare are emphasizing the need for you and your healthcare organization to lean into value-based care and we are here to help. Primavera advisors speak with organizations and providers that are either already in the value-based care setting and want to ensure they are successful or want to start value-based care but

How to Set Your Healthcare Organization up for Value-Based Care Success

Transitioning to Value-Based Care can be a challenge without the proper guidance and tools at your disposal. Many organizations struggle with elevated financial risk, transition to quality versus quantity of care, lack of system and data integration and shifting policies and regulations that are related to Value-Based Care. All of these challenges have one thing

4 Patient Patient Trends to Track in Value-Based Care

A successful healthcare organization tracks patient trends in care, cost and prescriptions, making it possible to deliver quality and improved patient care. Technology has been developed to streamline patient tracking in real-time and allow you to intervene immediately based on the data is critical. The question is – How do you know what patient trends

Importance of Risk Management and Value-Based Care

When a healthcare organization embraces a value-based care approach or a risk agreement with a health insurance payor, they are accepting the potential risk and reward associated with value-based care. While accepting the reward with a risk agreement may come easy the associated risk is typically not as easy for an organization to manage. With

Guide to Stronger KPIs for your Healthcare Organization

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a common term used in most industries, especially the healthcare industry. In healthcare, KPIs help us measure and track the performance and value of healthcare. Having strong KPIs is not only important for tracking the financial performance of an organization but also to track the quality of care provided

What is the Importance of Unified Data in Healthcare?

It is no secret that healthcare can be complicated and oftentimes overwhelming, and when it comes to healthcare data it is no exception. This leads healthcare leaders to ask the question how can a healthcare organization improve their information flow to ultimately improve patient outcomes? According to Healthcare IT Today, “A future of lower cost

How to Successfully Maximize Healthcare Reimbursement and Improve Revenue Cycle

Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is a top priority for all healthcare organizations. Balancing collection on difficult claims, keeping cash flowing for your organization, all while staying focused on delivering quality patient care can be difficult. Therefore, it’s important for every healthcare organization to have a process and billing team in place to continuously maximize reimbursement

Primavera NLS

Primavera adheres to best practices for HIPAA compliance. We take security a step further to deter and prevent any cyber intrusion and protect…

Key Considerations in Healthcare Strategy when Transitioning to Value-Based Care 

Key Considerations in Healthcare Strategy when Transitioning to Value-Based Care  Value-based care (VBC) is a holistic care approach and payment model, versus the fee-for-service model that largely still dominates the industry. VBC models have greatly increased in use and implementation and continue to become more widely used but it’s not an easy change for all

Increasing Profits Through Value-Based Care

Hospitals and health systems are looking to optimize their revenue by turning to value-based care from volume-based care. Widely used models where the number of patients determines the financial success of the practice is now being offset with the option to profit off preventive care and increase the quality of care. So how does this

Time Sensitive Opportunity: Federal funds made available to help FQHCs modernize technology tools to better leverage patient-level data

HRSA just recently announced it is making $90 million available to federally qualified health centers to assist them as they transition to new reporting requirements that have been redesigned to collect more and better data on social determinants of health. The modernization effort aims  to increase the granularity of the data being collected by leveraging advances

Primavera Webinar: Excelling in the Business of Value-Based Care

Primavera Presents: Excelling in the Business of Value-Based Care Are you looking to learn more about how to adopt and embrace Value-Based Care? Is your organization lacking a Value-Based Care strategy and implementation? Are you hoping to improve patient care while reducing costs but don’t know where to start. If you answered “Yes” to any

3 Benefits of Primavera’s Value-Based Care Advisory Services

Value-based care (VBC) is an alternative to the historical fee-for-service (FFS) model of healthcare reimbursement. It means transforming the payment model such that the healthcare provider – the physician, for example – is paid not necessarily by volume and the types of procedures, but is compensated for the quality of care – a more coordinated

Virtual Care: More Than Just Telehealth

Telehealth solutions are software solutions. They help manage patient’s, data, and allow for scheduling, delegation, and administration. In many minds, this is where the definition of telehealth stops; but this service is more than a tool – it is a platform for communication and for engaging with your patients on a human level. The goal

Primavera Webinar: Position Yourself to Benefit from Value-Based Care Through Data Analytics

With the shift in healthcare to value-based care, has come with an increase in data and increase of expectations for healthcare providers. Learn how to leverage your payors data to position your practice and patients to benefit from value-based care through this recorded Primavera webinar. This Primavera Webinar: Position Yourself to Benefit from Value-Based Care

Teams & Tech: A Smart Healthcare Solution

Medical Teams have been in a love/hate relationship with their technology applications for decades. Constantly asking if new technical solutions will help them grow, see more patients and provide better care. We’ve asked this question too. In fact, Primavera was built by industry professionals with that very question in mind. Whether tech can help provide

4 Questions to Ask when Choosing Your Practice Management Software

Selecting a Practice Management Software platform to partner with can be a daunting task. A lot of that has to do with the mammoth task of integrating a solution, training employees, updating vendors, and converting your existing infrastructure.  To make the process easier, we’ve compiled a short list of 4 questions you should be asking

How to Integrate Telemedicine into your Practice

Telemedicine supports and simplifies processes along a patient’s care continuum. Integrating with telemedicine also holds many benefits for physicians, their practices, and their growth. There are questions you need to ask to get started, how do you integrate, what kind of tools do you need, and how hard is telemedicine to maintain? To answer, we’re

Using Tech to Transform Healthcare Management

Better. Faster. Stronger. Perhaps chasing after the dream of The Six Million Dollar Man, technology has helped transform healthcare over the years with innovations from the iron lung to robotic surgeries but it has gone beyond the advancement of medicine and extended into the wider world of healthcare. Using Technology to Communicate We’ll kick this

How Technology has Impacted Healthcare

From 3D printing bones to mass producing medicine, nothing has fueled the progress of healthcare more than the innovations of technology. As with all major advances from the wheel to electricity, technology has become interwoven in the infinite facets of our lives.  We can learn a lot about where we’re headed from where we’ve been.

Better Patient Case Management with Tech

Providing excellent healthcare is the reason case management is necessary. Case management is the nuts and bolts of any practice, and creates a network you can rely on when developing action plans, and flagging priority cases.  For clinicians, having an established workflow is mission-critical as your workflow directs where you invest your time, and dictates

Expanding Your Services Through Telehealth

Integrating telehealth software may not be your first idea when it comes to expanding your services but healthcare software is built to simplify complex data and convert it into action that improves patient outcomes and helps you build your practice. Sustainable scalability is at the core of every enterprise and there are a few key

The Grand Telehealth Experiment

After a year of experimenting through another iteration of a telehealth journey, using telehealth as a primary option among quarantine and social distancing; the verdict is out and telehealth has a permanent seat at the table. The undeniable benefits of convenience brought by telehealth – paired with the revelation that telehealth can provide highly personalized

Healthier Living Through Tech

If you build it, they will come. If necessity is the mother of invention, then adaptation is the mother of growth. The healthcare world has been transformed. At the 2021 Consumer Electronics Show  the leaps in healthcare technology this past year were described as nothing less than meteoric. Though there has been extreme growth in

The Intuitive Full Care Continuum

The Full Care Continuum is a patient’s journey from preventive care, to hospital, to rehabilitation, to maintenance through general medicine or primary care. While it would make for a more simplistic system, not every patient will follow these movements in the same order. Through intuitive case management, practitioners and case workers can not only keep

Improving the Life of Nurses with Real-Time Tech

The amplified burden placed on nurses lately may have been spurred by the Pandemic but the resulting trends are likely here to stay. That means more work for nurses in the coming years to onboard new practices and systems and apply them in preparation to move forward into a new phase of healthcare where tech

Best Practices to Create an Outstanding Digital Patient Experience

Re-imagining the patient experience is at the core of Telehealth. For a platform based on the ease of communication, there have never been more options to connect, communicate, and track the progress of your patients. But telehealth platforms are more than just two-way radios with a built-in calendar and a touch screen.  Best Practices for

Changing from Fee-For-Service Model to the Full Risk Model

The change from fee-for-service to the full risk model can seem daunting. Afterall, it is quite different in many ways. There is peace-of-mind in the fact that many organizations have done this previously and with great success.  Outside of the change in the medical organization itself, there have been efforts for many years to modernize

Building a Patient Engagement Strategy with Telehealth

“Can you hear me now?” It’s a recognizable catch phrase of our times, an indicator that technology has developed to reach even the furthest corners of rural communities. What we don’t have is a catchphrase response. The advantage of a healthcare tech platform is connecting practitioners, providers, and resources directly to patients as easily as

Guide to Using PPE Essentials and How Tech Can Help

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), is an acronym we’ve seen everywhere lately from news headlines to supply order forms. Like with any other aspect of the healthcare world, PPE essentials are an element of daily practice with a trickle-down effect from administration to patients.  Supplying proper PPE requires funding, organization, and education. That’s a lot of

Influence of Data Analytics on Healthcare

As the digital information landscape becomes more and more widespread, and technologies become more integrated with innovative software, the opportunities for advancements in the way we interact with our healthcare needs become almost limitless. Today we explore the influence of data analytics on our healthcare system. Our personal devices can now be synced with our

Population Health – Loneliness for Seniors 

Social health is important as mood plays a big part in motivation and personal care. During an international time of self-isolation and strict social parameters, how do you stay alert, engaged, and in good spirits? Additionally, how do you give back to those in need, supporting others, and ensuring a better overall population health?  Health

Reducing Risk in Healthcare with Data Analytics

The demands on the healthcare industry are growing; hospitals and practices are tasked with innovating new ways, not only to organize and communicate, but to increase positive patient care outcomes. In our modern world, the answer is simple; don’t just treat the patient in the moment – plan for every aspect of their care journey

Primavera Gives Back

As a team, we spend a lot of time with technology. But that’s not all we do. You might be surprised to find out that, daily, we speak to our customers and listen for ways we can improve our service and their user experience.  We understand the impact and importance of our healthcare technology. Primavera

Case Management and Telehealth – Easier Together

Case management has always been a collaborative integration of patient care services; care coordination, facilitation, and advocacy.  At its core, case management is communication based – relying on the awareness and information exchange between practitioners, patients, and other providers. In our modern world, the added layer of apps and endless pathways of connection are influencing

The Influence of COVID-19 on Telemedicine

Many industries have scrambled to become remotely accessible since Covid-19 entered the picture and demanded a renewed push to integrate technology into our daily routines in new ways. This is not just for our social and work lives, but for our healthcare.  So what does post Covid-19 Telemedicine look like? Is it practical? And does

A Frictionless Telehealth Solution for All

Telehealth is a digital healthcare service which provides remote access to care. It has gained widespread popularity during COVID-19 as it supplements medical visits for vulnerable, aging and disadvantaged populations. The rise in this technology is a global industry trend with the potential to become permanent. Benefits of Telehealth For many years, patients have demanded

Healthcare Software Company Announces Telehealth Platform Designed For Non-Tech Savvy Users

August 3, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Healthcare Software Company Announces Telehealth Platform Designed For Non-Tech Savvy Users Developed for medical use and for the non-technical user there is NO APP download needed for patients. Patient-Doctor communication is now “easier together” with Primavera. South Florida-based healthcare software company, Primavera, launches the latest in telehealth, a platform

Changing from Fee-For-Service to the Full Risk Model

The change from a fee-for-service model to a full risk model can seem daunting. After all, it is quite different in many ways. There is peace-of-mind in the fact that many organizations have done this previously and with great success. Outside of the change in the medical organization itself, there have been efforts for many

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