4 Questions to Ask when Choosing Your Practice Management Software

Selecting a Practice Management Software platform to partner with can be a daunting task. A lot of that has to do with the mammoth task of integrating a solution, training employees, updating vendors, and converting your existing infrastructure. 

To make the process easier, we’ve compiled a short list of 4 questions you should be asking when choosing a practice management software.

1. Is the Software Easy to Use?

The power of the platform doesn’t matter if you can’t easily use it. When it comes to any software implementation, the UI is a critical element to explore. Are the features easy to access? Is data organized and easy to understand? Would using this platform be easy in terms of training your employees and integrating with your existing infrastructure?

What’s the other half of the usability equation? Easy to use and organized is great – as long as the elements and features show the information you need them to. There’s also a usability consideration in terms of migrating your existing data with your new software. So ask your providers how they support you in this process. 

What We Offer

Primavera offers an intuitive UI that presents information clearly and simply to provide an effortless user experience supported by:

  • Speed: Launch in days, not weeks 
  • Simplistic setup
  • A supportive team that’s ready to help

2. How Will My Patients Use the Platform?

There are two main user profiles to consider, practitioners and patients. Choosing a software with powerful data processing is key, but inputting that data needs to be easy for all. If you need convincing, you don’t need to look any further than 1 patient population.

Currently, 81% of hospital admissions, 91% of prescriptions filled, 76% of health-provider visits and 75% of home healthcare visits are for Medicare patients living with chronic conditions.

Technology may not be as big of an issue for the Medicare populations of the future – but it is still a major consideration for the population today. Ease of use – in healthcare – is an accessibility issue.

There are many populations and accessibility/mobility issues to consider when choosing a software since it won’t just be accessed from the practitioner/operational side. 

Questions to ask:

  • What does the patient login process look like?
  • Do patients have to have a smart device or download an app?
  • Is the patient portal designed for ease of use for all populations?

What We Offer

The most important thing for patients is convenience when it comes to interacting with a technical platform – especially for less tech savvy populations, or those with restricted mobility or cognitive issues. Primavera provides access to patients with one single click – no downloads or technical know-how required.

3. Is it Powerful Enough to Manage all my Data

We’ve mentioned data quite a few times so far, and that’s because data is king. Whether you’re compiling data for analysis to apply to projections and show patterns, or just looking to get real-time communication updates, how your data is used (and the accuracy) matters. 

Questions to ask:

  • Does the software support real-time updates and how are you alerted to those updates?
  • Is data analyzed and applied to risk-assessment and prioritizing patient care?
  • Are metrics easy to manage and report on?

What We Offer

We focus on removing the barriers between you and your data. Data powers functions like connectivity, communication, risk-assessment, and applying your patient information to further inform the running of your practice. Your data should help you react quickly and build a proactive practice. We make that possible with features like:

  •  Real-time data auto-populated where you need it
  •  Informed risk stratification
  •  Outlier detection by high risk and high utilizers
  •  Pharmacy tracking by usage, brand, patient, and provider
  •  Managed data metrics

4. Does the Software Support All Aspects of My Practice?

There is more to your practice than data management and ease of use. Having a platform that integrates with your providers, vendors, payors, and patient needs is critical. You’ll also want to make sure your software partnership supports the specific needs of your practice as non-profit needs will vary from general practitioners or plastic surgeons.

Questions to ask:

  • Does the software provide the tools to manage your unique patient populations?
  • Would it be easy to schedule transportation and manage billing?
  • How was the software designed and how does the structure support healthcare requirements?

What We Offer

Primavera was designed by a team of healthcare professionals and industry experts to serve healthcare professionals through a complex IT architecture and relationship database systems. By maximizing visibility with a health-centric approach, our solution helps streamline your practice performance management and growth. 

At Primavera, we create intuitive healthcare technology to maximize the benefits for healthcare providers, care managers, caregivers, and, ultimately, the patients. Schedule a demo with us today to learn more!

Adrian Esquivel4 Questions to Ask when Choosing Your Practice Management Software