How to Integrate Telemedicine into your Practice

Telemedicine supports and simplifies processes along a patient’s care continuum. Integrating with telemedicine also holds many benefits for physicians, their practices, and their growth. There are questions you need to ask to get started, how do you integrate, what kind of tools do you need, and how hard is telemedicine to maintain?

To answer, we’re going to break down telemedicine integration for a variety of practices and populations. Let’s get started!

Management Service Organization (MSO)

Managed care organizations are challenged with keeping taps on entire patient populations. The tasks before these organizations are largely data oriented and require the assessment and utility of managing and delegating patient data to support proactive care. 

Primavera features a data analytics solution with real-time data updates that help MSOs to act quickly, assess risk, and make the best decisions for each individual patent and practice.

Integration Tip

Find a telemedicine suite that can connect with multiple databases, and makes the adoption of existing records easy so you’re not weighed down by a clunky migration from your old methods to an optimized platform.

Primary Care Physicians

Primary Care Physicians may be connected with a large organization, or may provide through their own smaller practices. An integration need for these care-giving facilities is flexibility.

As you begin a care plan with your patients, we also start with a consultation. Explore our suite of features with an assessment. Do you need telehealth urgently to care for your remote patient population? Do you need the connectivity of an extensive platform? Or are you just getting your feet wet with data analytics and case management support?

Integration Tip

It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Using telemedicine smartly is about integrating the features that meet your needs. You can always add as you grow.

Non-Profit Clinics

Not every practice or organization is given priority in this world. Telemedicine helps break down barriers by using software to create accessibility. 

Non-profit healthcare organizations face a lot of obstacles when it comes to managing their patient populations; employee resources, legal barriers, financial strain, and the situations of those they care for. A solution is intuitive Case Management.

Receive live feeds from hospitals, prioritization based on risk stratification, assign and communicate tasks and cases with case managers, and more.

Integration Tip

The Case Management solution you choose should be intelligent, but easy for your patients to use. Especially with underprivileged populations, convenience is a large part of care. For telemedicine to be effective, it has to be accessed with the simple touch of a button.


The entire Primavera healthcare software suite can be widely used for a multitude of solutions to manage a patient population within a Cardiologist’s office. We do this through ease of use. Cardiology usually applies to an older population – a less tech savvy population – we’ve mentioned we make things simple with the touch of a button but how does that work?

We call it “Frictionless Telehealth” and it simplifies introductory appointments and follow ups through video and easy communication. 

Integration TIp

Keep your high-risk populations safe by keeping them at home. Use high resolution video, scheduled check-ins, share educational content, and continuously assess your patients health from a distance. The best part for these senior populations is that they don’t even need to download an app. Accessibility even applies to tech and cutting down on the installation requirements increases the level of care you can provide to all.

Mental Health Practitioners

Surprised to see mental health on this list? Traditionally, mental health sessions are done in person, how else can you accurately assess your patient? Like with cardiology, mental health patients require timely connection and the same resources apply. 

Utilize tools like high quality video and accessibility to maximize your patients’ communication with you. 

In May of 2020, CNBC reported that first-time downloads of the top 20 mental wellness apps in the U.S. hit 4 million in April of that same year, up 29 percent from 3.1 million downloads the previous January. 

Sometimes distance encourages communication, and younger populations especially feel more comfortable from behind a keyboard – Telemedicine can help you keep up with the changing times by adapting communication methods without compromising care. 

Telemedicine integrations decrease no-shows, will give you the ability to see more patients in a day, and give patients a feeling of security. 

Integration Checklist

There are many types of practices and organizations that we haven’t covered here which benefit from integrating with telemedicine. Whether you’re an oral health professional, allergist, orthopedist, dermatologist, or plastic surgeon – the benefits of telehealth apply to you.

When you’re looking for a smart solution ask yourself what you need.

  • Easy installation
  • Easy use for patients and providers
  • A variety of features
  • Smart data analytics
  • Risk assessment and prioritization
  • Case management support
  • Connective and compatible with other tools and payment institutions
  • Secure, safe, and compliant with all regulations
  • A platform with robust capabilities and continued support
  • Next Level Security

The best place to start is at the beginning. Reach out to us today for a demo and discover how we make providing care easier together.  

Adrian EsquivelHow to Integrate Telemedicine into your Practice