Using Tech to Transform Healthcare Management

Better. Faster. Stronger. Perhaps chasing after the dream of The Six Million Dollar Man, technology has helped transform healthcare over the years with innovations from the iron lung to robotic surgeries but it has gone beyond the advancement of medicine and extended into the wider world of healthcare.

Using Technology to Communicate

We’ll kick this off with the obvious technology advancement. Communication and technology go hand in hand and it has transformed the way patients interact with their own care. Through telehealth tools, apps, notifications, video consultations, and educational platforms, technology has done for healthcare what it has done for entertainment – forged a pathway of instant access, and made it fit in the palm of your hand.

With the single touch of a button a patient can connect with their provider on urgent matters, but they can just as easily update their profiles, symptoms, and share their data. 

Communicating Data

Updating and exchanging data is another key communication – and this one has a few more requirements beyond being instant, it also needs to be:

  • Secure
  • Actionable
  • Organized


Data security is at the forefront of most technology conversations and is especially important in healthcare where patient privacy is paramount.

When you’re looking to integrate the benefits of technology and telehealth into your practice, look for a platform that adheres to best practices for HIPAA compliance, has a bolstered approach to cyber security, and the infrastructure to maintain a next-level security experience with measures in place like:

  •  Two Factor Authentication
  •  Secure Socket Authentication
  •  Encrypted Patient Data


Actionable data means that data can be analyzed and applied to a system to structure and manage needs like risk assessment, tracking treatment and care continuums. It also means that submitted information can be utilized to manage third-party partnerships, external therapies and financial requirements. 

From managing multiple payers and practices to communicating data to pharmacies – being able to apply your data comes with many perks. 

There’s also the matter of patient populations to consider. Risk assessment within your practice is one thing, but being able to contribute data on population and patient types helps establish trends and inform the logistics and needs of your wider practice.


Data organization goes beyond “can I find it” and moves into “can it find me”. We’re talking about organization for automation and system optimization. With Primavera’s solution you can sit back while collected information automatically populates and updates as additional information comes in in real-time. 

Streamlining the way data is received contributes to its ease of organization. Simple and secure applications that are easy to use go a long way in making the entire data collection process as efficient and useful as possible. 

Assembling Resources

Technology doesn’t just improve the efficiencies and functions of healthcare, it expands its resources, and not just for practitioners and providers. We’ve talked before about how telehealth solutions make healthcare more accessible to rural communities – but they also increase the access to information which leads to better preventive care. 

From sharing informative articles, videos and information to vastly increasing accessibility between patients and providers, technology turns our digital resources into an actionable treatment protocol. 

Benefit Bullet List

Take a quick looks with us at a few ways technology assists care:

  • Psychologists can more easily meet with their patients via virtual calls
  • Physical therapists can meet with clients virtually or send interactive exercises
  • Providers can quickly schedule transportation when needed
  • Case managers can easily access their patient files anywhere they are needed 
  • Data can be synced in real-time to be used in the most optimized way
  • Nonprofits can remain organized and interact with up-to-date information for their populations
  • Payers and financial institutions can be quickly managed for fast transactions and resolutions

Whether you’re a cardiologist or an allergist, technology is applicable to every facet of your practice, and Primavera implements it through smart telehealth solutions that manage and analyze your data securely while keeping the patient first.

Customized Care

In the same way that every treatment plan is tailored to each patient, every technological solution needs to be tailored to each practice. Factors like demographics, location, modality, and specialization contribute to each practice’s needs. 


Primavera was created by practitioners and we have a few supportive pillars:

Frictionless – Frictionless care is about easy connectivity and the sharing of information. In your search for a telehealth solution, make sure whatever you implement can be accessed by the most technology opposed patients you serve. If it’s harder than the touch of a button to connect then it’s too complicated.

Analysis – We’ve mentioned it already, but don’t skimp on your data analysis or data management capabilities.

Case Management – Find a solution that prioritizes data-based risk assessment, real-time updates, and efficient access to information and resources.

A Strong CMR – Implement a technology solution to organize the data of your patients and keep your database current. You also may want to find a solution that enhances record keeping with features like note dictation, data sorting, audits, and surveys.

No matter your requirements, customized tech for your healthcare organization’s needs is here and waiting for you to demo today. 

Adrian EsquivelUsing Tech to Transform Healthcare Management